Dear Parents and Carers,
I have an update of information for you regarding the Coronavirus. As you will know from the news yesterday the government has now issued new guidelines for Public Health England to delay the process of Covid19.
We are in a unique position as a private day setting because we are based inside a school – we will have to follow any measures that are taken by school. The advice is that schools should only close if they are specifically advised to do so, with additional precautionary measures to try and delay the peak of the outbreak and protect those members of our community who are at most risk of developing serious health issues as a result of the virus.
These new measures differ from our usual advice. From today, if your child has a new persistent, dry cough and/or a temperature above 37.8 degrees they should not be in nursery and you should keep them at home for seven days. If symptoms develop, self-isolation for 14 days is required. If you have symptoms but your child does not, then you do not have to keep them off nursery but you should try to get someone else to bring them to nursery if you can. NHS 111 advice should be used as specified via the government.
We will continue to have rigorous cleaning procedures in place for all of the nursery and school and we are continuing with our high hand washing regimes. If at any point Public Health England requires Buxton Infant School to close (and therefore Nursery too) we will inform you straightaway.
If your child becomes unwell and you are not sure what to do for the best please call the nursery and ask to speak to either myself, Alison or Deborah – if necessary one of us will call you back.
Thank you for your continued support,